
The newly-restored Villa Francia in Lija was admired by a steady stream of people who visited it today. The villa was inaugurated by the Prime Minister yesterday at the end of a three-year project, and Dr Gonzi was back there this morning to greet visitors.

The villa, which dates back to the mid-18th century, was known as Villa Preziosi and was the residence of Sir Ugo Mifsud when he was Prime Minister between 1924 and 1927.

It is thought that it was originally built as a one-storey lodge in the mid-18th century, another storey and side wings having been added over the years.

The villa includes a coach room, a water mill, 10 fountains and is surrounded by vast gardens. Visitors could also see documents related to Sir Ugo.

Now government-owned, Villa Francia will be used for official functions or to host foreign delegations.

A virtual tour can be seen on www.opm.gov.mt/villafrancia.

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