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An AFM soldier was injured this morning during an air rescue demonstration in Grand Harbour. The demonstration was being held as part of the AFM Open Day activities at the Valletta Waterfront attended by hundreds of people.

The soldier, Bombardier Ivan Gauci, was lowered from an Alouette helicopter onto a rescue launch in order to rescue his "casualty", Gunner Philip Galea. As the two were about to be winched onboard the helicopter they were seen to hit the launch's guard rail and fall into the sea.

Gunner Philip Galea dived from the launch to help his colleagues as the demonstration became a real rescue. Both were lifted from the water onto the rescue launch and taken by ambulance to Mater Dei, where Bdr Gauci was found to have suffered some slight bruising and a mild shock.

The AFM said that the circumstances leading to the ditching of the pair are being determined by the AFM Air Wing's chain-of-command.

The event was witnessed by hundreds of people who turned up for the open day.

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