The Nationalist Party will on Sunday launch a collection of writings and pictures in honour of Eddie Fenech Adami, a former President, Prime Minister and party leader.
Featuring hundreds of photos and tens of speeches, the book chronicles the years of the man who steered Malta into the European Union.
Dr Fenech Adami was born in 1934 and educated at the Jesuits College and the University of Malta, where he first studied economics and the classics and later law. He was called to the Bar in 1959.
He joined the Nationalist Party in the early 1960s and was co-opted as a member of Parliament in 1969, becoming party leader in 1977.
As PN leader, Dr Fenech Adami won the majority of the Maltese vote in five elections, in 1981, 1987, 1992, 1998 and 2003. He resigned in 2004 on his 70th birthday and was appointed President shortly afterwards.
Contributors to the book, Inservi (To serve) include Former Presidents Guido de Marco and Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, ministers Tonio Borg and Austin Gatt, Speaker Louis Galea, Judge Giovanni Bonello and University professors Henry Frendo, Oliver Friggieri and Fr Peter Serracino Inglott, among others.