As a yearly visitor to Malta, I would like to offer some suggestions on the development of Valletta.

Repave the approach bridge and have period-piece sculptures on either side and in the niches.

Retain the existing arcade at the gateway as it is part of history, but refurbish with new marble facings. Remove the high-level balustrade, allow appropriate shops and cafés, install interesting lighting, all to serve as a backdrop to...

...Freedom Square, which could be repaved with seating, plantings and flagpoles to the standard of the highly successful St George's Square in Valletta and and St Anne Square in Sliema.

Retain the ruins of the Opera House in good condition and then provide a well-designed, but discreet, steel-and-glass-sided cover for the auditorium to allow protection for the audience in hot and cold weather.

For the new Parliament building provide a new, carefully designed, all-glass-sided structure to occupy an entire grid-square of the centre near the President's Palace, perhaps on the site of the existing market, which would introduce a sense of the modern world reflecting the surrounding classical buildings.

Maintain well the excellent improvements to St George's Square and Queen's Square.

Exert influence and provide grants to improve the design quality of renewed balcony fronts, window frames, doorways, shop fronts and shop signs.

Undertake imaginative lighting provision for the streets and squares. Improve the pedestrian pavements within the city to make them convenient and safe to use. Provide a pedestrian-friendly bus terminus around that magnificent Tritons fountain.

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