Malta-based Uniblue, a developer of PC performance utilities for the international market, has released all its software in the PowerSuite range in 17 languages. This follows the release of the localised version of RegistryBooster in May.

The languages in which the software is now available are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese.

PowerSuite is a powerful combination of all three Uniblue utilities in one, simple-to-use interface. Each utility included in the suite, i.e. RegistryBooster, SpeedUpMyPC and DriverScanner, can be purchased individually, or users can purchase PowerSuite as a powerful solution to combat PC speed issues, registry errors and outdated drivers for Windows-based PCs.

Following the release of the software in five languages in 2009 and seeing the results, the decision was taken to increase the number of languages in which the software is available. SpeedUpMyPC was launched in a further seven languages in March, and this was followed by PowerSuite in April. The company is committed to expanding its global reach.

Uniblue is currently recruiting a number of native language speakers to work in teams managing each new territory. Uniblue continued to grow during the global economic downturn, and is now looking to achieve new global sales records in 2010.

The company also provides the acclaimed, ProcessQuickLink, ProcessScanner and resources; free services for all PC users, as part of its program of public education in the battle against computer threats and performance deterioration.

Uniblue Systems Ltd is a Microsoft Gold Certified provider. It has achieved top rated reviews for its products in international publications.

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