A priest facing “founded” allegations of sexual abuse has filed a judicial protest against the man who fronted the alleged victims’ cause, Lawrence Grech, calling him a liar.

Fr Conrad Sciberras said he had no option but to take legal action against Mr Grech because the latter’s claims in the media were pre-judicing his (the priest’s) case before the Vatican.

Fr Sciberras said he had gone through proceedings before the Church Response Team on the insistence of both Mr Grech and others within the hierarchy of the Church. The proceedings were now completed.

A decree was issued by the Response Team and had still to be confirmed by the Vatican. He was bound by secrecy and could not reveal what the verdict consisted of, Fr Sciberras said, insisting that the continued comments in the media by Mr Grech were prejudicial to his case.

There were no pending or potential criminal cases against him (the cases he is alleged to have committed cannot be taken to court because they are time-barred) and yet, Mr Grech had acted as if the media and the public should believe his allegations without listening to both sides of the story, Fr Sciberras added.

He noted that, in a news conference a few days before the Pope’s visit to Malta last year, Mr Grech had claimed that he (Fr Sciberras) had escaped from the island, when this was a “blatant lie”.

When it came to ethics and acting prudently, Mr Grech’s behaviour had surpassed all limits and left him with no option but to take legal action against him, Fr Sciberras said.

He said such allegations were prejudicing his right to a fair trial because the pressure Mr Grech exerted on the media could also have an effect on the outcome of the case before the Vatican.

The Magistrates’ Court found on August 2 that Mr Grech was among 11 victims who had been abused by two priests, Carmel Pulis (since defrocked) and Fr Francesco, also known as Godwin, Scerri. They were sentenced to a total of 11 years in prison. They have appealed from the judgment.

Lawyer Louise Anne Pulis and legal procurator Peter Sammut signed the protest.

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