Gozitan post-secondary student organisation Students’ Voice recently held a discussion with the Ambassador to Malta for Climate Change Simone Borg on climate change issues and how these impact everybody.

During the discussion, Dr Borg explained how climate change was not something distant from us, but rather a situation we had to accept and adapt to.

However, she urged students not to fall prey to sensationalist ideas about environmental chaos which may not happen after all.

It was essential for students to educate themselves and others around them when it came to topics such as climate change, Dr Borg said, stressing that through information, one could better understand what climate change implied.

The students attending the event included those reading Geo-graphy, Home Economics and Environmental Science.

For information on forthcoming events to be held by Students’ Voice, look up the group’s Face-book page www.facebook.com/studentsvoicegozo, or e-mail studentsvoicegozo@gmail.com.

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