More than 66% of people have seen a dog locked in a car on a sunny day yet over a third did nothing about it, according to a survey in the UK.

The Dogs Trust, which carried out the study, has joined forces with the AA and the National Trust to target motorists and visitors with a new campaign warning that "Hot Cars Can Kill Dogs".

Over the last year AA patrols have rescued 832 pets locked in cars and in recent years there have been several high-profile cases of dog deaths.

Dogs Trust veterinary director Paula Boyden said: "It is shocking to see that so many people consider leaving their dog in the car, whatever the weather.

"You wouldn't leave your child in the car. Given how quickly the temperature can rise, it is equally unfathomable that you would leave your pet."

The campaign aims to warn pet owners about the dangers and to encourage others to call the police or the RSPCA if they see an animal in distress in a parked car.

The survey was conducted in May with more than 1,125 respondents.

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