For the past year, I have been occasionally reminded that traditional political parties are now dead in Malta and that a “new” movement has been born. This movement invites everybody to join it and it welcomes everybody in a very “ecumenical” way. The only snag is that it is not the members of the movement who have selected their leaders, but it is Labour leader Joseph Muscat who has self-proclaimed himself leader of this new movement. I find this logic a bit strange in the democratic culture of the 21st century.

Another snag is that the self-proclaimed leader of this “new” movement has somehow or another got hold of my old work e-mail address and is using it to feed me his political propaganda. The latest barrage was sent to me on July 17, from “Joseph Muscat” , with the subject title being While Lawrence Gonzi Is Busy Squabbling With His PN Colleagues Our Movement Is Focusing On The Country’s Future.

In his letter to the apostles, Leader Joseph writes: “We are drawing up a road map for economic growth, to give a better life to all Maltese people.

“In the past few months, Labour has put forward exciting new policies. These include: 1. Our guarantee that every young person will have a job, education or training; 2. Our promise to commission social impact assessments before taking major economic decisions; 3. A better deal for people with disabilities, and their families, giving them peace of mind for the future.”

The leader of the movement also stresses that “as GonziPN implodes, we are opening our movement to more people.

“We’ve attracted new candidates to stand alongside experienced figures. And hundreds of volunteers are helping the Labour Party too because they know that for life to improve in Malta there has to be a change of government.

“Why don’t you become part of the exciting change Malta needs and join our movement now? You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter”.

The solemn conclusion of the e-mailing and twittering leader is that “living under the GonziPN government has been tough for families but brighter days lie ahead and you are welcome to join the movement that will get the country back on its feet”.

Now, I fully subscribe to the belief that the Nationalist Party, under Lawrence Gonzi’s leadership, is really scraping the bottom of the barrel and is in total disarray. The only real opposition in the country to the present leader of the movement who will be tomorrow’s Prime Minister is Alternattiva Demokratika.

I can also believe Dr Muscat that hundreds of volunteers are helping the PL. Are they all as generous as Kerber Securities, who offer the PL free “round the clock” services whenever they feel the need for it?

Whatever the answer to this question, I am really riled by all this unsolicited self-promoting material, which I am receiving. So, I have sent the following answer to the “movement’s” self-appointed leader: “Dear Dr Muscat, you have been abusing of my University e-mail for the past year. Can you please let me know who has illegally given you my work e-mail address, which is not publicised on the University website?

“Secondly, a few questions about your very ‘exciting’ movement: 1. Are you, together with your colleague Dr Gonzi, still sucking up to the illegal occupants of public land at Armier? 2. Are you going to continue to suck up to the owners of Chambray, after you spent years criticising the project? Are the present owners by any chance offering your exciting movement anything juicy?

“3. Are you going to continue to suck up to the owners of SmartCity after you spent years criticising the project? Are the present owners by any chance offering your exciting movement anything juicy? 4. Are you, together with your PN colleagues, going to continue to draft laws to suit yourselves and then arrogantly occupy any land you want for your illegal billboards? 5. Why are so many of your candidates organising so many events in a location in Ħal Farruġ? Is the Count of Montecristo by any chance offering your exciting movement anything juicy?

“Enough for today about your exciting movement. And, as from today, stop sending me e-mails”.

Of course, the Information and Data Protection Commissioner has been informed of everything.

Prof. Cassola is spokesman on EU and international affairs of Alternattiva Demokratika – the Green party.

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