The Malta Business Bureau, the European Commission Representation in Malta and Bank of Valletta have partnered together to discuss finance for business, particularly start-ups, through the assistance of EU initiatives.

The seminar will give an overview of the availability of finance and types of finance products including debt, grants, banking products and alternative sources of finance for the present and opportunities that are currently being negotiated for the next programming period 2014-2020.

The event will enable startups to learn best practice from EU Commission, European Investment Fund and Bank officials on developing access to finance instruments (financial engineering instruments and grant schemes) through the current and the next programming period.

They will also be briefed on plans and initiatives that the EU Commission DG Enterprise and Industry has in the area of access to finance both through decentralised (member state) and centralised funds (Brussels-based).

Keynote speakers include Joanna Drake, director, promotion of SMEs competitiveness, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission; Bruno Robino, head of region Southern countries, Regional Business Development, European Investment Fund; and Albert Frendo, chief officer credit, Bank of Valletta

The event will take place on June 28 from 9am to 11.30am at the Old University of Malta, St Paul’s Street, Valletta. This event is free to attend. Registration opens at 8.30am.

For further information and registration, send an e-mail to the Malta Business Bureau on or call on 2125 1719.

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