The Azure window is stable and shows no signs of imminent collapse, according to a geo-physical assessment made by GeoScience Consultants Ltd.

Geologist Peter Gatt told a press conference this morning that a large triangular block which fell off one side of the arch last year had not increased the length of the arch and therefore had not affected its stability.

He said that the bridge between the pillar and the mainland consisted of two layers of rock. As much as 90% of the bottom layer fell over the past 30 years but the top layer remained stable.

He said the three-month study had dismissed earlier recommendations of bolting the arch to increase stability. This, he said, would have caused further damage because the rock was soft.

Dr Gatt called for close monitoring of the Azure window. He suggested that park of the area could become a geo-park which would also include the Fungus Rock and the inland Sea - an area to preserve and further study of rock formations in the West of Gozo.

Environment Minister Leo Brincat said he would discuss the implementation of a monitoring system with the Gozo Ministry. 


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