Malta and other Mediterranean countries have objected to draft recommendations for new Frontex rules of engagement.

Italy, Cyprus, France, Greece, Malta and Spain expressed disapproval of the draft and called it ''unacceptable for practical and legal reasons'', Ansa news agency said.

The recommendations were made by the European Commission and are under assessment by the EU Council.

In the confidential document dated October 10, the six countries said there was no need for further regulations for Articles 9 and 10 on rescue operations and landings, since there were already international maritime law conventions that dealt ''amply'' with the matters.

Malta has been objecting to proposals which provide that migrants have to be taken to the country which rescues them, rather than the closest safe harbour. The issue led Malta to pull out of Frontex Operations.

EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom had proposed a more intensive Frontex operation to prevent the sort of tragedies witnessed last week.

In a video message on TimesTalk yesterday she said she hoped Malta would participate.

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