Transport Malta is not actively considering reopening Sliema’s Bisazza Street to traffic “at this stage”, despite demands made by some shop owners who claimed sales had plummeted since the road was pedestrianised three years ago.

After seeking the opinion of the local council, which is adamantly against the idea, Transport Malta said it has shelved the idea.

Bisazza Street business owners and those of surrounding areas are split on the subject, with some wanting the pedestrianised street reopened and others opposing it.

The Sliema Business Community is planning to organise a meeting where everyone can voice their opinion before drawing a common position on the matter, president Pierre Fava told The Sunday Times of Malta when contacted.

“I’ve spoken to business owners and there are diverging views. Some prefer it to remain pedestrianised; others say their sales have dropped since pedestrianisation,” he said, adding that the committee did not have a position on the matter.

Bisazza Street, once a main thoroughfare, was paved and pedestrianised in June 2011.

More in the Sunday Times of Malta and the e-paper on Premium.

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