The Malta Football Association said this evening it would take action according to law and file a libel suit unless allegations made about its officials by the Malta Football Players Association on their Facebook page were withdrawn or corroborated by facts.

The MFPA claimed that player Emanuel Sevasta was due €2,600 from St Georges FC in salaries for the 2012/13, 2013/14 and the first part of the 2014/15 season, a decision the club is appealing.

It said that the club, through a delegate who was an MFA employee and a member on its executive board, presented a form signed by players at the end of the season given to him by the Players and Coaches board.

The MFPA asked whether a supposedly neutral board could help a club and provide it with evidence when its work was supposed to be administrative.

It said it was afraid there was collusion between clubs and MFA officials and representatives who sat on a supposedly impartial board.

It called on the MFA to take action and for justice to be made with Sevasta.

In its statement, the MFA said the facts were that the documents presented were authentic and the case had been decided in a correct manner.

The documents in the pdf links below were provided by the MFA.



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