There we go again, the subject crops up like a bad dream, when we see another attempt to erase a hard-earned symbol from our national flag.

The George Cross was justly awarded to the Maltese nation, especially our cherished Maltese war heroes, those departed, killed in action and those still living.

As a symbol flying on our flag it is a constant reminder, a testimonial of bravery and defiance in the face of extreme adversity and hardship.

This symbol carries with it a history of blood, tears, starvation, displaced families, incessant bombings, destruction of countless irreplaceable monuments, the dead and the dying.

This is what I remember with pride whenever I see our national flag flying high on every building.

The George Cross symbol should not serve as license to any proponent seeking its removal from our national flag.

Instead of being proud of a unique historical fact which carries with it our collective memory of untold suffering, we periodically read about new attempts of some pseudo historians who choose to forget what this symbol stands for, hell-bent on promoting a preferred “interpretation” of hard historical facts, while at the same time aspiring towards a “might is right” possibility if aimed at the right channels.

Please leave well alone, our forefathers deserve better.

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