In Gozo our natural heritage is being eaten up with the blessing of Mepa, which is meant to protect the environment. The proposed Simar development in Qala goes over the top. It will transform beyond recognition one of the spots in Gozo where you can enjoy nature without seeing buildings and concrete.

Will the Gozo Bishop please speak out against the massive development in Gozo in an Outside Development Zone as the Archbishop did in Malta? Will citizens please speak out? Or are we still living in the times when we were afraid to speak our mind?

If the Nationalist Party does not speak out against this massive development, it will be adopting two weights and two measures.

I also hope the Save Ħondoq Front speaks out against this massive development.

I have long suspected that Mepa is not autonomous. Now we have the proof. Does the government really believe this will help Gozo when Eco Gozo is being thrown out of the window? Is Leo Brincat the minister responsible for the destruction of the environment?

I hope the Maltese speak out against the Simar development in the same way as they did against Żonqor Point because Gozitans need some prodding.

This government has decided that the way forward is developing in ODZ. Nothing will remain of such zones in the future. We will have just pockets of national parks hemmed on all sides by empty concrete.

The Nationalist Party must make a clear pledge in favour of ODZ, and if need be, apologise for the way Mepa worked when it was in government. The Church, on the other hand, is doing well to defend the natural environment.

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