The Nationalist Party has criticised Family Minister Michael Farrugia following his comments that he intended to revamp a Bill on fostering - the Child Protection (Out-of-Home-Care) Bill - which had been prepared by his predecessor Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.

Opposition shadow minister Paula Mifsud Bonnici and spokesman Robert Cutajar said the fact that a minister wanted to change a Bill prepared by a fellow member within his own Cabinet was unusual.

The changes the minister was planning were a departure from the text which government and opposition had found agreement upon and showed the minister was out of touch with events on the ground, Ms Mifsud Bonnici and Mr Cutajar said.

They insisted that decisions should only be taken in the interests of children.

Dr Mifsud Bonnici and Mr Cutajar thanked foster parents for their care and service to children. 

See minister's comments at

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