The historic Pasta Di Martino company, based in Gragnano, a town situated in the Italian region of Campania, has been owned and managed by the Di Martino family since 1912. The Pastificio Di Martino has been able to grow and become an authoritative point of reference in the worldwide market of Gragnano pasta thanks to the passion for pasta, insights and innovations given by three generations of pasta makers.
In 1915, the Pastificio Di Martino was the first to cross the Panama Canal, showing already from the first steps its natural vocation abroad. In fact, currently 96 per cent of production is exported to 37 countries.
Giovanna and Giuseppe Di Martino, who have now reached the third generation of pasta makers, carry on the family vocation with genuine passion, guided by the values of quality, craftsmanship, innovation and valorisation of the area and its culture.
The prestigious Protected Geographical Indication mark obtained by Gragnano pasta is only given to the pasta produced in the historic town of Gragnano, according to the certified traditional method. This involves the use of the best durum wheat semolina combined with pure local spring water. The pasta is produced following the process of slow extrusion and slow drying at low temperature.
The Pastificio Di Martino selects only the best raw materials and uses only 100 per cent Italian durum wheat semolina to produce its pasta and bring to the table all the taste of real Italian cuisine.
Pasta Di Martino is distributed in Malta by Vivian Corporation Limited. It can be found in leading supermarkets and used by top restaurants in Malta and Gozo. For trade enquiries call on 2258 8600.