The BOV Joseph Calleja Children’s Choir is busy rehearsing in preparation to this year’s concert on August 3.

Under the watchful eye of renowned vocal director, Gillian Zammit, the choir of 200 children is gearing up to accompany Joseph Calleja as well as his guests, which this year will include the popular local band Red Electrick and the international singer Anastasia. The rehearsals are being held at the Divine Mercy Church in San Pawl tat-Targa.

Speaking about the choir and its origin, Joseph Calleja, said that the choir was set up in a bid to attract more people to the fascinating world of classical music. “Setting up a choir seemed the natural solution not only to introduce children to performing arts, but to entice their parents and relatives. And so it was.”

This initiative was followed by the setting up of the BOV Joseph Calleja Foundation in 2013, a joint venture between Bank of Valletta and Joseph Calleja. The Foundation reaches out to talented youths to support them on their journey to realise their full potential in the field of performing arts.

Some of the scholars currently being assisted by the Foundation, including Cliff Zammit Stevens and Marvic Monreal, will be joining the Maltese Tenor during the concert  at the Luxol Ground.

Seat tickets are available from €80 at or ticket freephone 800 74 117.

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