Nestlé Malta Ltd has partnered with Europa Donna Malta to unite the public in the fight against breast cancer.

As part of a month-long activity plan aimed at raising awareness on prevention and early detection of breast cancer, Nestlé Malta has rolled out a nationwide bus shelter advertising campaign, bringing together 100 people symbolising the need to fight breast cancer.

The artworks will appear in bus shelters all over Malta.The artworks will appear in bus shelters all over Malta.

Supported by Nestlé Fitness, the campaign concept centres around head and shoulder images of 100 men and women who volunteered to be photographed in black and white wearing white T-shirts with a superimposed pink bra. The concept, management and art direction were entrusted to Visual Trends.

Shot entirely on 35mm photographic film and printed individually as silver gelatine prints, photography was entrusted to Zvezdan Reljic, who recently completed the Beltin exhibition, supported by Heritage Malta.

Reljic is a photography and publishing industry specialist with 30 years of experience in photography, pre-press, printing and graphic design.

Nestlé Fitness is running a parallel campaign on Facebook.

“A healthy lifestyle is important to reduce risks of encountering breast cancer. We will continue supporting this cause because we believe there is a lot more work to be done and will not rest before early detection reaches higher success rates,” said Melania Calleja Pellicano, group product manager at Nestlé Malta.

The 100 images will be displayed in all bus shelters throughout this month and in the first half of November.

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