A man was today charged with threatening to kill his wife and son during an argument in their home early yesterday morning. 

Police Inspector Elton Taliana told Magistrate Monica Vella that this was not the first time that the police were called to intervene in arguments between the man and members of his family. 

The British man, 46, who is not being named to protect his family, had an argument with his wife just before the two were meant to attend a social event so he went there on his own. When he returned, inebriated, the argument continued and got out of hand. A number of chairs and other household items were smashed during the argument that also involved his 20-year-old son. 

The inspector said that when the police arrived, the man tried to open the cutlery drawer after having previously told his wife and son that he would kill them both with a knife. Later, after the man was arrested, a knife was found hidden behind the sofa in the living room. 

"Here we have a person cannot control his anger and police could not take any risks, especially since this was not the first such incident," the inspector told the court, as he added that the situation worsens when the man drinks. 

Defence lawyer Mario Spiteri, however, insisted that the incident was provoked by his client's wife and son. In fact, he said, it was his client who called the police for assistance. He also said that there was no evidence to link his client to the knife found behind the sofa. 

The man pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against him. He was granted bail against a €2,500 deposit and a €5,000 personal guarantee. 

"Domestic violence is not something that the court takes lightly," the magistrate said when the man complained that the deposit was too steep.

The court was informed that the man would leave the matrimonial home and move to an apartment in St Paul's Bay. He was ordered to sign the bail book once a week.

The magistrate also issued a protection order in favour of the woman and the couple's children.

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