The Labour Party “demanded” the resignation of one of its local councillors yesterday after he allegedly threatened and harassed his former girlfriend.

Labour deputy leader Toni Abela asked Neil Attard, deputy mayor of Xgħajra, to step down following questions sent by the Times of Malta about Mr Attard’s alleged conduct.

Mr Attard is facing court action initiated by his former girlfriend who is accusing him of repeatedly threatening and harassing her. Contacted yesterday, Mr Attard strongly denied the accusations.

Confirming he had been asked to resign from the council, he said he had not yet replied to the party as to what action he would take. When pressed, he would not say whether he would resign but said Dr Abela had “ordered” him to do so and not just asked him. 

Mr Attard said he had taken court proceedings against his ex-girlfriend who told the Times of Malta she was relieved Labour had decided to take action against Mr Attard.

Back in 2010, Mr Attard was found guilty of theft from the council he now forms part of. He had been given a six-month conditional discharge for stealing an amount of money exceeding €233 in 2000.

Mr Attard said yesterday it was a complicated case that went beyond theft from the council. He said the case had occurred several years ago, insisting he had not stolen the cash himself. “I am not trying to justify what happened but I was with a friend who took that money. God forbid something that happened 16 years ago should preclude me from having any pursuits or a life,” he said. 

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