The following are the top stories in the national newspapers today.

Times of Malta says motorcyclist Johanna Boni, who died in a horrific traffic accident yesterday morning, had an insatiable thirst for adventure and wanted to travel the world. In another story, lawyers tell the newspaper that funds deposited by the General Workers’ Union in court for the redemption of ground rent for its headquarters were not withdrawn by the Land Department implying the deal was not accepted as legally correct.

Malta Today says that only 272 refugees have been relocated as the EU’s plan has stalled.

L-Orizzont says the police have broken up an auto insurance fraud ring which has been operating for a number of years.

In-Nazzjon says cardiologist Albert Fenech is in the process of setting up a hospital for heart diseases.

The Malta Independent says that the kitchen used in the Prime Minister’s New Year speech was custom made and will only hit the showrooms in the middle of next year.


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