The more I read articles in the media the more disheartened I get. There is too much greed around, and people in power are often forgetting why they were elected in the first place.

Then I read a homily by a certain Mgr Farrugia during the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. It was a brilliant homily dealing with today’s situation and the way we are slipping away from our ideals.  Malta has a great past in moral thinking based on our Catholicism. What is wrong with that?

The trend away from our values started in the last years of the previous government with the introduction of divorce, which opened the floodgates to things such as embryo freezing and surrogacy.

Why do our politicians follow this road? Let us not forget the hunters’ lobby and the gay one too. I have nothing against gays – in fact, most of them are very friendly people – but I draw the line at children being adopted by gays or lesbians or surrogacy.

Children have the right to know who their parents are should they want to. Would you like never to know where your blue eyes came from or your sense of humour? Think of the child!

It is all about votes, and here we are bending backwards trying to please everybody in case we don’t get their vote. Politicians are meant to be leaders of society, not followers. Today there are more separations than ever before, and who suffers? The child, or children, of course.

When an abortion takes place the child is never considered but the convenience of the mother is.  When one plays with sex there are bound to be more mistakes, and who suffers? It is the child in the womb. Yes, I am a pro-lifer and proud of it. Life is God-given and it must be respected from conception to natural death.

Children in schools must be made to understand how to respect the other sex, and yes – wait for marriage before having sex.

Has anyone given children the beautiful message of Pope John Paul II – The Theology of the Body? This is really worth a good read and study. What a great Pope he was!

Please Malta, watch where you are going – downhill at the moment and at a precipitous rate. There is still time to turn back if only politicians showed some courage.

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