While all this political drama is going on,  while the economy is expanding, while some in Gozo are pushing forward the tunnel link and forgetting everything else that needs and can be done in Gozo, while everyone in politics is talking about the burning desire for the natural environment and its protection the natural environments keeps burning. It will continue to do so even if the party in  power changes. Unless, that is, we see clear policies and pledges that bring those in power to account.

Why are we continuing to ruin Gozo’s few remaining ridges?

Why can hotels (for agro-tourism) be built in the countryside? Why do people disturb the habitat and, to add insult to injury, then apply for a permit to develop and build on the premise that it is a disturbed habitat?

Why so much ado about Ġanni Attard’s sheep and then allow such widespread illegal development, batching plants and illegally-parked construction machinery?

Why no control and supervision with regard to waste?

Why is no action taken, as if the rule of law can be hijacked by threats that they will stop the wheel of the economy from turning?

I am reading the late Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Mercieca’s memoirs. He was really the leader the Church of Malta needed in those difficult times when the side that was truly anachronistic tried to label the other side of being so. He also had a worthy companion in the intelligent fine mind of the late Gozo Bishop Nikol Cauchi.

Archbishop Charles Scicluna is the leader the Maltese Church needs now.

Now is the time to speak. The natural environment needs you too. It is the natural heritage of all the people. So it is in the realm of the Church’s teaching too because it involves human rights and the protection of the poor.

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