Prime Minister Joseph Muscat today raised the prospect of devolving more power to Gozo during a meeting with the island’s business chamber.

Without going into specific detail, Dr Muscat said that Gozo as a region should not just be a “buzzword”.

He acknowledged the criticism the government came in for when it took powers for health and education policies away from the Gozo Ministry in 2013.

Dr Muscat said the government decided to centralise these two areas because they were not fairing as well as in Malta.

He said the government could once again look at giving Gozitans a bigger say by putting the necessary structures in place, but did not elaborate any further.

The Prime Minister said he hoped to encourage Gozitans working in Malta to find employment in Gozo.

Gozo Business Chamber President Joseph Grech said that the economy is going strong and business are struggling to fill vacancies. 


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