A 43-year-old company director who tried to buy alcohol and pay rent using cheques that bounced was today handed a suspended sentence and ordered to seek help for his drinking problem.

Benjamin Zammit Tabona was arraigned after he tried to use cheques which were later not honoured. The various payments were made during May and June last year, the court was told.

After taking note of the accused's guilty plea, the court, presided by magistrate Josette Demicoli, condemned the man to a jail term of six months suspended for two years. It also placed the accused under a Protection Order and a Treatment Order for two years whilst urging him to follow the instructions of the probation officers who would be there to help him.

It also placed the accused under a Protection Order and a Treatment Order for 2 years whilst urging him to follow the instructions of the probation officers who would be there to help him.

"You are not going to prison right now but if you do anything within these 2 years, the prison term will become effective," the magistrate warned.

Inspector Jonathan Ransley prosecuted. Lawyers Simon Galea Testaferrata and Peter Fenech were defence counsel. 

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