Name: Ivan Borg
Age: 24
Occupation: Red Electrick bassist, musician, teacher

My best holiday ever…

If I don’t take into consideration my music-related offshore experiences, I guess it would have to be a trip to the south of Spain, mostly spent in Seville. The Spanish way of life amazed me, the people are one of a kind, the music and dance are incomparable and the Islamic touch to the city takes it to another level.

The hotel in Sofia was falling to pieces and covered in graffiti, the rooms were small and dirty, and we even found a random American guy sleeping in our room

I would never return to…

Bulgaria. To be more precise, Sofia (I’ve heard there are some decent resorts in the south ofBulgaria). The place is ugly, the buildings reminded me of the city’s Communist past and most of the people in the streets and shops were so unfriendly. Think the total opposite of ‘service with a smile’.

The most dangerous place I’ve visited…

I’ve never been to anywhere particularly dangerous. Maybe theTottenham area in north-east London – but I’d classify it more as dodgy than dangerous.

I was living there last month with the rest of Red Electrick while we were on tour for a few days. The recent London riots started in that area so we were quite apprehensive about it, but thankfully the situation had calmed down by the time we got there.

My favourite city…

Definitely Istanbul. I’m a big Turkey lover so I guess it’s quite an easy question to answer. Istanbul – where Europe and Asia collide, where modern, carefree youngsters blend in with traditional oldMuslim folk.

It’s like being in a typical metropolitan city in Europe and at the same time being in some Islamic country in the Middle East. I love the fact that the people are proud of their country, no matter what.

My most memorable experience on an aircraft…

I guess it has to be while en route to Milan. This guy sitting right behind me spent the whole two hours of the trip snoring so loudly that it was comical but frustrating in equal measure. Unfortunately, I had no headphones on me at the time so I was forced to just get used to it.

My most treasured holiday souvenir…

It has to be a small Maltese cross I found for sale in a street market in Cordoba. I remember the owner was of Arabic origin and he couldn’t believe that the Maltese language has strong Arabic roots, so I spent 15 minutes speaking to him in Maltese with him trying to guess what I was saying. It was funny but he got on my nerves after a while.

My biggest gaffe abroad…

It happened while on a day-long shopping spree in Spain with my girlfriend (she was buying, buying, buying and I was staring, staring, staring into space).

I was growing tired; the endless amount of shoes all looked the same, and in my drowsy state I reached out and held ‘my girlfriend’ from behind along her waist… only to discover she wasn’t my girlfriend!

Suddenly alert, I found myself confronted by a frowning Spanish girl as I desperately tried to explain to her in Spanish (and I don’t speak Spanish) the reason why I did it.

The friendliest people…

As loud as they may be, Andalucíans are the friendliestpeople I have ever met while on holiday. I am being specific about the region in Spain here for a reason – the people in Barcelona are nothing like those in Andalucía. With the latter, you can always find a topic to talk about, especially over some tapas and beers during siesta time.

They’re always laughing and cracking jokes about anything. One even had the cheek to joke about the infamous 12-1 drubbing of Malta.

Everyone was laughing and I was left speechless, not knowing whether to laugh or not.

I never travel without...

My headphones and my mobile phone charger.

The taxi ride I will never forget…

We’re under the impression that Maltese drivers are crazy, but if it’s a crazy ride you’re after then take a taxi in Turkey.

We had a particular driver who was zig-zagging between cars like a madman, and generally trying to give me the impression that a nasty accident was imminent. Lesson to learn: don’t use taxis in Turkey. Catch the tram – it’s cooler.

My all-time favourite holiday photo...

It has to be the photo I have with my musical idol, Horace Panter (bassist of British 2-Tone band The Specials). I went to watch a concert of theirs in Coventry last week and I managed to meet the guy himself, together with the rest of the band. It still gives me goosebumps writing about it.

An unforgettable hotel...

The one I stayed at in Sofia. The photos online were quite attractive but upon arriving there, my friends and I were shocked.

The façade was falling to pieces and covered in graffiti, the rooms were small and dirty, the service was practically non-existent and we even found a random American guy sleeping in our room.

But it was a random holiday with some old friends of mine, so we didn’t really mind.

I return most often to...

England, ta’ Malti li jien! No seriously, it never gets old and there’s always something different and interesting to do, be it a good concert or meeting Maltese friends living there.

For example, recently I went to watch Thomas Camilleri, an old friend of mine, taking part in Legally Blonde – I felt so proud of him.

My ideal travel companion...

If it’s a tour, then I have no option but to stick with my band mates. But if it’s a holiday it must be with my girlfriend and close friends. Being abroad together gives our friendship a boost.

Country with the best cuisine...

I don’t pay much attention to food. I’m happy with a pub meal in the UK or some German currywurst.

My next holiday plans…

Hopefully Morocco. I was planning to go there last August, but after having planned everything, I noticed I was going right in the middle of the Ramadan. Apparently it’s a boring and uneventful place to be during that particular month, so I had to postpone everything.

My dream trip…

The list is endless. But my top two dream destinations are definitely Cuba and Jamaica. Since this is my ‘dream trip’, I’ll go to both!

The music that originated in both countries inspires me and it seems the people there are friendly and free-spirited.

I partied hardest in…

Linz, Austria, on tour with Red Electrick together with No Snow/No Alps and Ira Losco.

We had just done a great gig and everyone was in a crazy mood. If any of them guys are reading this, they know exactly what I mean!

My travel tip…

Don’t be afraid to get in synch with a country’s rhythm. If you’re afraid of experiencing new stuff, then you might as well stay in your comfort zone in Malta.

Red Electrick are currently working on recording intimate unplugged sessions (live sound and footage). Expect a second full length album in 2012. For more information , visit their Facebook page or

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