The hottest April on record has made it hard for some garden birds to find food to rear their chicks, wildlife experts warned.

The warm, dry weather has left worms and other bugs buried deep in the hard-baked earth, and birds such as thrushes and starlings which dig into the soil for food could be struggling to feed their young, the British Trust for Ornithology said.

Last year, the driest January to June in 80 years saw the breeding success of song thrushes and blackbirds fall by a fifth, the BTO said.

Currently young of these species are already fledging, and the parents are trying to nest for a second brood – so food is in high demand.

In addition to harbouring valuable food, earth is used in the form of mud by a number of birds to build nests, including thrushes, swallows and house martins.

The BTO is urging householders to give their garden birds a helping hand if dry conditions continue.

The trust’s Garden BirdWatch team is recommending householders sprinkle lawns with water early in the morning or late in the evening in dry weather, avoiding the warmest times of the day when much of it would evaporate and focusing on shady areas.

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