Name: Sarah Agius
Age: 23
Occupation: TV presenter and brand manager
My best holiday ever…
It has to be the trip to Dubai and Thailand. It was partially a business trip when I was working on a travel programme, but naturally I wasn’t just working and I enjoyed every second.
By the time we got to the third club in Miami I was already seeing stars
A highlight was visiting James Bond Island in Phuket, which found fame in The Man With The Golden Gun. It was simply stunning.
I would never return to…
So far I have been lucky enough to never visit a place I would not want to return to.
The most dangerous place I’ve visited…
Naples. It might not be as violent as it is sometimes portrayed on TV, but it did feel kind of dangerous.
My favourite city…
Definitely Miami. It has a bit of everything – you can shop, you can dine, you can go out clubbing, the people are nice and the weather is fantastic.
My most memorable experience on an aircraft…
I think it was my most recent trip. We flew over from Lamezia in Italy in a small private airplane, and for the first time in my life I could see everything crystal clear beneath me on a plane.
I was sitting near the pilot and I was hearing all the conversations pilots typically have while flying. It was an awesome experience. Shame I didn’t study to become a pilot.
My most treasured holiday souvenir…
OK, I need to confess: my souvenirs are usually designer bags.
I’m not really into souvenirs in the normal sense of the word, but every handbag I’ve bought abroad has its own story related to the country I bought it in.
My biggest gaffe abroad…
I guess it was missing a massive road sign while driving overland from Germany. We had been driving for hours and my job was to be navigator. Little did I know that if we missed one exit we were doomed!
At the key moment I was more interested in eating chocolate than actually reading the road signs. My friend, who was driving, presumed I was following the road, and we ended up heading west instead of south. The end result was that the trip took two days longer than we had planned.
The friendliest people…
It has to be between Thailand and the US. Thai people make you feel like you are a walking princess, although they can be annoying at times. Americans can be welcoming as well; everyone in the US greets you and everyone has a smile on their face.
I never travel without...
My fluffy socks. They are always in my handbag because I hate having cold feet on a plane.
The taxi ride I will never forget…
From JFK Airport in New York to the city centre. My sister and I had just landed and this ‘taxi driver’ came up to us and asked us if we needed a taxi. My sister told him yes, instantly.
At the key moment I was more interested in eating chocolate than actually reading road signs. The end result was that the trip took two days longer than planned
Little did we know that the only taxis you should take in New York City are the yellow cabs (you can tell that this was our first time in America). This guy totally ripped us off, and we had only just landed in the country.
An unforgettable hotel...
The best hotel I have ever stayed at was the Hilton Phuket Arcadia in Thailand. It was a massive resort with an outdoor reception that was truly remarkable. Then inside the suite was a beautiful bedroom overlooking a never-ending beach... it was absolutely indescribable.
I return most often to...
Rome – it’s like my second home. It’s an easy and practical destination because it’s close and I know my way around.
My ideal travel companion...
Someone who is not rushed or fidgety. And they have to like shopping and know how to dine properly.
This ideal person also has to share my tastes and not be someone who moans or sleeps a lot. I want to be out and about by 8 a.m. every day if possible when I’m abroad. And I want to see everything, be it churches or landmarks... I’m a curious tourist.
Country with the best cuisine...
I’ll have to say Italy. It may be because their cuisine is very close to ours, but I’ve never had problems eating in Italy.
My next holiday plans…
My current job takes me to a lot of places, and that is what I love about it: I get to meet new people in other countries. For example, this month I’ll be visiting up to three destinations. Such trips start off as work but while I’m there I can always spice them up a bit.
I’ll be in Salzburg next week, Milan the following and the week after that I’ll be in Rome for my birthday. My brother is living there at the moment so I feel even more at home.
My dream trip…
I’ve always wanted to go to Paris and everyone keeps telling me how beautiful and romantic it is. I just need to find a good companion who will make it all magical… and take me there in the first place!
I partied hardest in…
Miami, hands down! As they say, everything is huge in America. Their clubs are massive; instead of vodka shots they have massive bottles of champagne.
I came to the conclusion that they are the real party kings. I went there to meet a friend of mine who is living there. She took me to a couple of clubs and by the time we got to the third one I was already seeing stars!
My travel tip…
You can never have seen enough, there is always more to see and a lot more to appreciate. Even what might seem like the simplest thing could turn out to be the greatest thing you have ever seen. Enjoy every minute of every trip and treasure them for the rest of your life.