More than 10,000 contraventions were handed to e-scooter riders in the first eight months of this year, mostly for poor parking and obstructing pavements.

Of the 10,120 contraventions issued between January and August, 4,811 were for bad parking, and 5,158 were for obstructing pavements.

Ninety-four fines were issued to users for dangerous driving, using mobile phones, overloading and ignoring traffic signs.

Sixty-one contraventions were given over licensing issues. The information presented to parliament came following questions by PN MP Graziella Attard Previ to Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri.

A spokesperson for the ministry confirmed that the figures tabled in parliament were gathered from entities that fall under the ministry, the law enforcement system agency and police.

More than half the fines that LESA and police handed out in the first eight months of the year were between June and August.

Sliema saw the highest number of fines given with St Paul’s Bay, St Julian’s and Gżira also seeing a large number of fines.

The parliamentary question did not specify how many contraventions were handed to rental e-scooter riders and private e-scooters.

As complaints mounted, the government recently announced a ban on rental e-scooters as of March 1. Transport minister Aaron Farrugia said the ban was the result of abuse, which overshadowed the advantages of rental e-scooters.

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