A grouping of 13 local councils in rural areas and representatives of the private sector, has qualified for a €90,000 EU grant under the Leader Programme. The funds will be used by the Majjistral Action Group (MAG) towards the creation of a Local Development Strategy for the localities.

This is the first time that a public private partnership will design and implement, actions for the improvement of the quality of life of the residents in rural areas.

Parliamentary Secretary for Public Dialogue and Information, Chris Said, praised the collaborative effort of the stakeholders in acquiring these funds which will benefit rural localities.

Lija Mayor Ian Castaldi Paris, who is chairing the Majjistral Action Group, urged all those willing to work towards the sustainable growth of rural areas, to collaborate with MAG, which is an open structure, in improving the quality of life of the rural community. MAG will soon be starting a consultation process focused on the needs of the localities as well on the needs of the specific economic sectors that characterise the Maltese rural economy: agriculture, tourism, SMEs and NGOs.

The territory covered by MAG includes Lija, Attard, Gharghur, Naxxar, St Paul’s Bay, Mellieha, Mgarr, Iklin, Rabat, Dingli, Siggiewi, Mdina and Mtarfa. NGOs, represenetatives from the Tourism sector, agricultural cooperatives and associations, representatives of the SMEs that are located in this territory can have an active role in the Leader process and benefit both directly and indirectly from this initiative.

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