A 15-year-old boy, reportedly dismissed from school, ended up in court where he pleaded not guilty to a string of thefts from residences in the Marsascala area over a one-month span recently.

The minor, whose name was banned from publication under court order, was arraigned under arrest on Tuesday, to face multiple charges over the series of eight aggravated thefts from private residences, the earliest dating to August 31, the latest taking place last week. 

Police investigations had been ongoing for a while until they finally zoomed in on the youngster as the prime suspect. 

“Who does he live with?” asked Magistrate Audrey Demicoli, presiding over the arraignment.

“With his parents,” answered the prosecution, pointing out that the boy needed guidance.

“Why doesn’t he go to school?” asked the Court.

“Because they have not sent for me,” came the prompt reply from the teenager at the dock.

However, prosecuting inspectors Oriana Spiteri and Mario Xiberras pointed out that the boy had apparently been expelled from school, stressing the need for supervision and social help.

In light of such circumstances, defence lawyer Graziella Tanti requested the Court to order a social enquiry report. The court upheld the request and urged the prosecution to make the necessary checks with the education department. 

A request for bail was objected to by the prosecution in view of the possible risk of tampering with evidence.

However, after hearing submissions by both parties, the court upheld the request against a personal guarantee of €2,000, a curfew of between 8pm and 6am, a duty to sign the bail book once a week and strict orders to attend all hearings in court. 

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