A Maltese athlete has completed a challenge to run the equivalent of about 17 marathons in 10 days across Thailand.

Stephen Sammut Nurminen says he was the first person to run from the west to the east of the country and raised almost €6,000 for charities that supply food to homeless and vulnerable people. 

The 38-year-old was supported by a team including his partner, a videographer, a driver and his pet dog, Nemo.

As well as mountainous terrain, he battled temperatures of over 40 degrees and the humidity was “something I have never experienced before”, he said.

Sammut Nurminien in his running gear to protect him from the high heat and humidity. Credit: Stephen Sammut NurminenSammut Nurminien in his running gear to protect him from the high heat and humidity. Credit: Stephen Sammut Nurminen

The challenge involved running the 748km distance between the western city of Mae Sot to the town of Mukdahan, on the border with Loa, a distance almost equivalent to 17 marathons. 

He ran 75km a day and completed it late on Tuesday after 136 hours and 38 minutes. 

“I must admit, I feel a bit empty this morning, and I already miss being out there, running on the road,” he said.  

“I am not as tired or sore as I imagined but that is all thanks to the great care we gave my body during the run. The team, especially my partner, were amazing in making sure that I always had what I needed, before, during and after every run."

Drenched in sweat and exhausted by the heat, Sammut Nurminien would rest during his breaks. Credit: Stephen Sammut NurminienDrenched in sweat and exhausted by the heat, Sammut Nurminien would rest during his breaks. Credit: Stephen Sammut Nurminien

Losing a four-legged companion 

The run was not without its lows, including one heartbreaking moment on day seven, after the athlete was joined by a new running mate, a stray dog the team nicknamed Chai. 

After keeping pace with the team for 63 kilometres, Chai got bitten twice by other stray dogs but was sadly hit and killed by a "speeding maniac" four kilometres shy of the end of that day's run.

The athlete said Chai's death devastated the team. 

Chai, the friendly stray dog, kept Sammut Nurminien company on day seven of his challenge. Credit: Stephen Sammut Nurminien

Chai, the friendly stray dog, kept Sammut Nurminien company on day seven of his challenge. Credit: Stephen Sammut Nurminien

Chai, the stray dog, stayed by the Maltese athletes' side for 11 hours. Credit: Stephen Sammut Nurminien

Chai, the stray dog, stayed by the Maltese athletes' side for 11 hours. Credit: Stephen Sammut Nurminien

Sammut Nurminen and his team faced other challenges, including keeping safe from the strong sunrays and staying rehydrated. 

Another key element during his run was to keep his feet dry to avoid any painful blisters- an important lesson he learnt back in 2022 when he had to cut a Sicily run short, albeit after 240 kilometres. 

While his original challenge was to cover 765 km, Sammut Nurminen explained that the team took another road to get to Mukdahan, as the original one was full of traffic. 

A quick break with Nemo, Sammut Nurminen's dog who joined the team during the 10 days. Credit: Stephen Sammut NurminenA quick break with Nemo, Sammut Nurminen's dog who joined the team during the 10 days. Credit: Stephen Sammut Nurminen

Despite the lows, the athlete and his team experienced many beautiful memories together.

“I was also blessed to see my team grow and become closer day by day and the hospitality of the Thai people in each town that we passed through.”

The athletes’ test of resilience, patience and determination were all for a good cause, to raise funds for Soup Kitchen OFM and Dar Hosea. 

Valletta-based Soup Kitchen OFM provides prepared meals three times per week for people in need, as well as legal and psychological help. Dar Hosea aids vulnerable women exploited into prostitution. 

He aimed to raise enough funds to distribute 5,000 meals for both charities and so far, the athlete has raised €5,978, which translates into 1,495 meals. Donations can still be sent through his GoFundMe page

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