The 2024 Campus Book Festival is opening at the University of Malta Quadrangle on Wednesday.

The three-day celebration will present an eclectic series of events catering to tertiary students and the public, showcasing various facets of Malta’s literary landscape.

For this year’s edition, the National Book Council (NBC) is welcoming Irish illustrator Karen Harte, who will be participating in two events. Her visit is supported by the Embassy of Ireland in Malta.

Hone literary skills

Harte will shed light on the intricacies of the publishing world and offer aspiring illustrators a unique perspective.

Another guest, veteran writer Victor Calleja, will provide practical advice on writing, narrative structuring and crafting personal essays.

Exploring cultural identity and language

The festival offers a platform to explore Malta’s rich cultural identity and linguistic landscape. Visitors will be invited to reflect on Maltese language in literature, through a Q&A session on Maltese literature in English, along with a discussion on the direct influence of English on the Maltese language.

Under the auspices of the literary journal Aphroconfuso and through a discussion led by Aaron Aquilina, Noah Fabri and Omar N’Shea will also explore the translation of contemporary thought into Maltese, highlighting the nuanced process of linguistic engagement and the privilege it affords the community in shaping the Maltese language.

Navigating the intersection of art and technology

A series of workshops will tackle the evolving artistic landscape in the digital age, including the ethical implications of AI in art. There will also be discussions on the balance between online resources and commercial publishing, and the hidden language of film and TV storytelling.

Giving life to the written word

With the fourth edition of Poeżija Slam, the Għaqda tal-Malti is inviting poets to deliver original works solely through the expressive use of their voices and bodies.  In Literary Dramatics, student performers will breathe life into Maltese literary texts through theatrical monologues, featuring special guest Lon Kirkop, recipient of the 2023 National Book Prize in drama. DESA will host a book club session on Kamila Shamsie’s novel Home Fire, exploring themes of identity and belonging.

The festival ‒ made possible through the collaboration between the NBC and student organisations and departments from both the university and MCAST ‒ also includes the participation of important publishers, including: Faraxa Publishing, L-Għaqda tal-Malti, SKS Publishers, Ede Books/Kixott, Midsea Books/Klabb Kotba Maltin, Kite Group, Malta University Press, Horizons, Malta University Distributors and Kotba Calleja.

The full programme is available at www.ktieb. and the festival’s Facebook page. Opening hours are from 9am till late.

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