The Marsa feast organisation is this year commemorating the 25th anniversary since the statue of the Holy Trinity – which adorns the church square – was donated to the Għaqda Festi Esterni (External Festivities Committee).
This statue, the work of Alfred Camilleri Cauchi, is displayed annually in front of the Marsa church during the week presiding Trinity Sunday and is the main attraction of the outdoor decorations.
The five-metre-high pedestal for this statue was designed by Silvio Pace and carried out voluntarily by Eddie Abela and Raymond Meli, while the shine (ir-reġġier) is by Raymond Ellul. The project was financed by Comm. Charles Attard.
A marble plaque was unveiled at the committee’s premises to mark this occasion.
On Sunday, June 12, Marsa celebrates the feast of the Holy Trinity.