Some 33,000 people toured the film set of the Gladiator sequel in Kalkara on Sunday, the Malta Film Commission said. 

It said the event, organised by Screen Malta offered an engaging and educational experience for families of all ages.

The Gladiator set included a reproduction of the Roman Colosseum and several parts of an imperial palace. Other set pieces on display include an armoury, prisons, catacombs, an ancient and triumphal arch, a round temple and a colonnade. Photography of the set was prohibited.

The commission said the film set was a testament to the exceptional skill and craftsmanship of Maltese and Gozitan workers who played a central role in its creation, it added. 

The event also featured a variety of interactive stands related to the film industry and activities that celebrated the art of filmmaking.

Visitors had the opportunity to learn about different aspects of film production, such as special effects, stunts, costume design, and underwater filming. 

Malta Film Commissioner Johann Grech expressed his satisfaction with the strong turnout. He said in a statement that the open day proved to be a great success enjoyed by children, young people and families.


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