Calypso Radio 101.8 is broadcasting a special 35-hour solo radio marathon in aid of Puttinu Cares on November 2 and 3.

Calypso managing director and radio host Gordon Pace during last year's marathon.Calypso managing director and radio host Gordon Pace during last year's marathon.

Starting on November 2 at 9am, Gordon Pace will kick off a marathon broadcast to raise funds which will help Puttinu Cares replace sofas with sofa beds at their Sutton apartments in London. 

These apartments provide essential accommodation for families travelling to London for cancer treatment, and the new sofa beds will help meet the increasing demand, allowing more families to stay comfortably, even when space is limited.

The team at Calypso Radio is also planning a number of events over the weekend to support this initiative.

Highlights include a Retro Night on November 2, a Calypso Kids Fun Event in the morning of November 3, and a live concert on the same day from 4pm onwards, featuring Skald, Kym Pepe, Cher Camilleri and Mario and Jimmy from Brikkuni.

The 35-hour marathon broadcast will wrap up on November 3 at 8pm.

Calypso Radio 101.8 invites everyone to join the fun, attend the events and support this worthy cause by tuning in and donating via phone, online or SMS.

More details can be found on the Calypso Radio socials or on

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