Some 8,000 Hungarian students are to come to Malta to study English in various  language schools, the foreign ministry has announced.

The students will be sponsored by the Hungarian government.

Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo expressed his appreciation of the Hungarian government's selection of Malta when he met Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó in Valletta on Thursday.

The two ministers discussed migration and bilateral relations. 

Hungary is regarded as a hard-line state in its opposition to migration in Europe and has not backed Malta's efforts for migrant distribution.    

The foreign minister said the two ministers spoke on the need for the EU to protect its Mediterranean border and to engage with African countries to sustain development and job creation in the continent. "Both sides agreed on the need to maintain a constant fight against human smuggling, to open asylum application processing centres, to repatriate failed asylum seekers and to strengthen the Libyan Coast Guard," the foreign ministry said. 

Bartolo thanked Szijjártó for his declaration that Hungary will be supporting Malta in the 2022 election for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.



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