At its launch in 1931, the Sea Cloud was the most magnificent sailing yacht in the world, a masterpiece of shipbuilding and the last private four mast ship ever to have been built. Every detail of the legendary sailing lady reveals the originality of that time while every extravagance shows the charming individuality of her original owners, American heiress Marjorie Merriweather-Post and her husband Edward Hutton.

Recently Sea Cloud sailed into Valletta and guests were given the opportunity to visit this magnificent ship. Guests started their tour in the cozy oak-panelled restaurant, which was formerly the first owner’s parlour. The Sea Cloud offers an outstanding and diverse cuisine and the chefs come from renowned first-class restaurants – they impress even connoisseurs with their creations. The daily fare has a touch of nouvelle cuisine, complemented by local specialties. Excellent wines from well-known regions accompany the meals.

Lunch is a less formal affair – weather permitting, in the afternoons the deck is cleared and a lavish buffet is served outdoors. Later in the evening guests gather for a social round at the bar and enjoy a refreshing cocktail.

Guests were lucky enough to see the two magnificent owner’s suites. Lady Marjorie’s private realm is a vision of antique white lacquer and gold finishes, while her husband’s maple panelled suite is more classical. The six original guest cabins have also been restored true to their vintage design, complete with exquisite antique furniture. However if you crave more modernity, then another 24 outside cabins are available to choose from.

For the best view of the sea and the 30 majestic sails, you must visit the bridge. Passengers are allowed to visit during the day, when the ship is not manoeuvring, to discover how Sea Cloud is navigated and sailed.

Everyone who encounters the Sea Cloud feels her majestic pride and is enchanted by her captivating beauty. For many, the Sea Cloud herself is the true highlight of every journey, and an incomparable one at that.

For more information about Sea Cloud Cruises contact local agents, the Cruise and Travel group on 2122 2999 or

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