GRECH. On May 30, at Mater Dei Hospital, to Rachel née Azzopardi and Ivan, God’s precious gift of a first-born daughter – STELLA, a first grandchild for the Azzopardis and a second for the Grechs. Deo gratias et Mariæ. Special thanks to the obstetricians, anaesthetists and staff at Obstetrics 1, Obstetrics 2 and NPICU.

MICALLEF. On May 6, to Daniela Farrugia Randon and André Micallef, God’s precious gift of a son – ANDY, a most welcome brother to Kate. Thanks to the staff at Mater Dei Obstetrics Ward 1 and special thanks to the team present during the birth.

SANSONE – On June 29, to Cynthia Barbara and Alberto Sansone, God’s gift of a son, ALEXANDER.

China Wedding

The marriage took place on 5.7.’97 at Tal-Mirakli chapel, Lija, between DENIS BORG of Kappara, and JULIENNE née Naudi, of Siġġiewi. Congratulations from your three children, siblings, parents and in-laws.

Ruby Wedding

The marriage took place on 7.7.’77 at Manikata church, between CHARLES IRELAND of Scotland, and MARILENA née Borg, formerly of Kappara. Congratulations from your four children, three grandchildren, siblings and in-laws.


TAYLOR. On July 7, at Mater Dei Hospital, ISABELLE, née Cauchi, aged 80, passed peacefully away comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her loss her sister Marion Pace Bonello, her niece Ann Marie Pace Bonello and her nephew Sandro Pace Bonello, other relatives and friends. The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Monday, July 10 at 8.15am for Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery chapel where Mass praesente cadavere will be said at 9am followed by interment. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

In Memoriam

CAMILLERI – GODWIN. In loving memory of a dear husband and father on the first anniversary of his demise. Always fondly remembered by your wife Vinnie, daughters Danika and Greta, your brothers and sisters and their respective families. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.

CAMILLERI – HELEN. In loving memory of a dearly beloved mother on the 21st anniversary of her demise. Sadly missed by her daughter Odette.

FARRUGIA. On the first anniversary of the death of TONY. Never forgotten by his wife Mary, his children Mona and Alex, their families, grandchildren Thomas and Hannah, family and friends. The 9am Mass said on Sunday, July 16, at Birżebbuġa parish church will be offered for the repose of his soul.

HERRERA. In loving memory of our dear father VICTOR on the anniversary of his passing away. His family.

MAGRI – PAMELA. On the 26th anniversary of her demise. A loving wife, mother and daughter. Fondly remembered by her husband Albert, by her children Berta, John and Paul and by her mother Edith Moore. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

MASINI – Dr FRANCESCO MASINI. In loving memory of our dear father this 55th anniversary of his demise. A prayer is solicited.

PORTELLI. Treasured memories of our dear father EDWIN on the 19th anniversary of his demise. Forever loved and missed by his children Vivienne, Godwin, Sandro and their families.

RONAYNE. Treasured memories of our beloved JOHN on the 10th anniversary of his demise. Always in our hearts and prayers. Charles, Sandra, Silvio family and friends.

SALIBA. Treasured memories of RUDOLPH, a wonderful husband and father, on the anniversary of his meeting with the Lord. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Edith, Stephanie, Geoffrey and Jack.

SALIBA. In loving memory of our dear son RUDOLPH who returned to the Risen Lord 29 years ago today at the age of 28. Always living in our hearts and remembered in our prayers. Miranda and Paul.

SALIBA. Sweet and everlasting memories of our dearest brother RUDOLPH on the 29th anniversary of his departure to a far happier life. Always in our prayers. Alma, Nives and families.

SALIBA – RUDOLPH. In loving memory of our dear brother-in-law on his anniversary. Gone but never forgotten. David, Muriel and Martin.

SALIBA – RUDOLPH. In loving memory of a dear friend on the 29th anniversary of his passing away. Tonio and Pauline, Mark and Ingrid, Lorraine and George, and Helen.

VELLA – MARY, née Calleja. On the 32nd anninversary of her death. Rest in peace dear mum. Her children.

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