Fiona Maxwell labelled me a self-entitled Maltese driver in her letter of December 16. She goes further, saying I should be thankful to her for not adding another car to our roads.

If she has ever driven around the islands, does she do so in a vehicle with more than two passengers aboard, to avail herself of the bus lane?

I certainly do not fail to realise that there are many vehicles on the road carrying no passengers. But I cannot and will not try to persuade other drivers to share their cars with colleagues. It boils down to the fact that the majority of people do not like any form of dependency and that’s why one can see so many vehicles with just the driver.

My letter of December 10 was aimed at Transport Malta for turning one very busy lane into a bus lane all the way from the

Strand to the Manoel Island bridge, causing traffic jams as far back as the tunnel at The Point, as shown in my photo.

I never even hinted in my letter that the buses constituted a problem, as Maxwell wrote. She did not need to enlighten us either by informing us that buses carry dozens of passengers!

Once again, I must emphasise that my criticism was aimed at the creation of this infernal bus lane, which, at some point, was even declared illegal.

The traffic problem today is an acute one. Narrowing down the availability of lanes, such as at the Strand and in Msida, was a serious step backward. Traffic jams are only going to get worse as time goes by.

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