A revised marriage preparation course would be launched in the coming months now that the country’s family situation required a different approach, the Cana Movement director said.

Fr Joseph Mizzi said a sub-committee of the Marriage Preparation Commission was working on the revised course.

He insisted the movement could no longer be seen as being “accommodating” and “lenient” in the light of the challenges it was facing.

“We need to be an effective catalyst and encourage engaged couples to make a radical choice towards Christian marriage, a choice that, with God’s help, they would continue to honour and uphold for their entire life,” Fr Mizzi said.

He was addressing the Cana Movement’s annual assembly for couples who conduct marriage preparation courses in parishes.

Those preparing engaged couples for Christian marriage were on a “mission strategy” rather than on a “maintenance strategy”, meaning they could not afford to maintain a status quo in marriage preparation, Fr Mizzi insisted.

“With courage and conviction, they must continue to strive to pass on those Christian values that serve to unite the couple, values that sometimes go against the grain in today’s world but that are essential towards building strong marriages and healthy families,” he said.

Fr Mizzi pointed out that, today, some couples who were preparing for Christian marriage were already cohabiting and some even had children.

“While their life decisions are to be left to their own personal discretion, it is the duty of the Cana Movement to bring them to maturity in their option for sacramental marriage,” he said.

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