Every measure taken by man to improve his lot is bound to generate positive and negative effects. On Saturday we are being called to give our assent or otherwise to a very important measure regarding the family.

The only positive effect that I see to divorce is the fact that children now born out of wedlock (due to the cohabitation of their parents, who can’t do otherwise, as the law now is) will be given legal recognition.

But I know also, as a result of what happened all over the world, the chances of families breaking up are going to increase. There will also be cases where a couple is going to break up just because divorce is available. There will be some cases where the unavailability of divorce will make the couple think twice.

So if I vote yes not to impose my belief on others and the yes vote predominates I am going to be responsible for that number of marriages, however small, breaking up. I would be very much shocked even if I were to be responsible for the break-up of just one marriage. And that is why I will be voting no.

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