The 2011 Census questionnaires will be mailed to all households this week, the National Statistics Office has said.

The questionnaires will then be collected personally by enumerators between November 7 and December 4.

NSO director general Michael Pace Ross said respondents may either fill in the questionnaires, or wait for assistance when enumerators call at their household.

He stressed that completed questionnaires should not be sent by post.

Residents should be enumerated at their usual place of residence, which may not necessarily be the address listed on their identity card.

Those who have been living in Malta for at least 12 months, or who have arrived recently with the intention of staying, should also take part.

More than 1,000 enumerators will be visiting over 150,000 households, in addition to taking stock of vacant dwellings, Mr Pace Ross added.

This year’s exercise coincides with a census being taken across all EU member states.

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