So, charging points for electric vehicles will be installed around the Maltese islands .

This shows two things. One is that for priorities no one beats Minister George Pullicino. He is even preparing all these charging points for cars that do not even exist.

The other thing is that hours and hours are needed to charge the battery of an EV and this would be done during the night when one is at home.

Mr Pullicino is ignoring the fact that an EV costs about €26,000. Maybe he knows that as of next year we are all going to receive a €500 weekly increase, like the one he and all his colleagues received as of 2008. Who knows? Now that would be fantastic: €500 multiplied by 52 equals the price of such a car.

However, by the time we normal beings will be able to buy one, the cars would have become cheaper because they would not require €18,000 batteries to run.

The British have come up with a system involving a 4.5kg flywheel in a vacuum which touches 60,000 revs per minute and will constantly charge a normal battery providing power to drive the car. These are being experimented upon in buses and used at Heathrow airport.

Another system being developed in the US is to use a type of black sludge in a battery that would cost one-third of a Nissan Leaf Battery and could be charged instantly by changing the sludge cartridge.

So, in truth, we won’t need electric charging points.

Kindly save us the expense, Minister Pullicino.

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