Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is apparently not against his figure appearing in papers for people to admire. Willy nilly, this is the impression I formed from what we have been offered by his claims on “the threats of Bishop Grech”(May 29). But, this apart, again apparently, our friend is not satisfied with the part he played and the responsibilities he shouldered on the occasion of Malta’s introduction of divorce, that heresy against the dogma of matrimony condemned in the Council of Trent.

... the laws of God... retain their force even if both Church and state admit them not!- Mgr Anton Gauci, Victoria

Granted that, rightly or wrongly, he has seen threats in what Bishop Mario Grech asserted about in vitro fertilisation, Dr Pullicino Orlando rightly notes that “the political class should not pander to the threats of Bishop Grech”. But I am sure that this gentleman, whether he is Catholic or not, admits that the same politicians should “pander” to the injunctions of God’s laws.

I believe he knows perfectly well that, in the case of the introduction of divorce, many of them have definitely not done so! “Pander” is a lovely word connected with the character of Pandarus, that figure in the story of Troilus and Cressida as told by Boccaccio, Chaucer and Shakespeare! It had a special meaning!

Dr Pullicino Orlando laments that “some politicians had not learned the lesson to keep Church and state separate”. I am sure my friend still believes that the laws of God have not the slightest connection with the theory of “Church and state separate”. They retain their force even if both Church and state admit them not!

God has given us His laws independently of the figure of Church and state and beliefs connected with these. Whether these laws concern such behaviour as that connected with the indissolubility of marriage or IVF, or gay marriage for that matter, these divine laws retain their force in all imaginable circumstances. And no less whether they confront Christians or non-Christians. Why? Because, being the creation of God, all human beings are subject to those divine laws!

I am not at all astonished at the remarks my friends Evarist Bartolo and Deborah Schembri are said to have made when noting that “one year on Malta had not seen the disaster predicted by those opposed to divorce”. Apart from all negative effects on society, could they give us the same tone of remarks as regards relations with God of those who had recourse to divorce? I am very sure the great majority of our people still believe in God, His laws and what is connected with these same laws also in the hereafter!

Having noted the above, I honestly believe that those responsible for the spiritual welfare of these islands will take true steps to protect their people from the too many religious errors being promulgated. Failing this, we definitely wonder not that errors like those connected with divorce will be again successful in their campaigns. But then we shall one day face the Lord in His tribunal, where no such uniforms as those of popes or royalty, cardinals or bishops, priests or parliamentarians bear any meaning whatsoever but that of responsibility.

Woe to heads of Churches if religious ignorance and its consequences can be legitimately put at their feet for lack of holy crusades against sin and in favour of God’s eternal laws!

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