Magistrate Carol Peralta yesterday ordered an investigation into how it took some 90 minutes for a prison van to get from Mount Carmel Hospital to the courthouse.

He also ordered that disciplinary action be taken against the officers escorting prisoner Johann Pace, who was meant to be in court at 9am but turned up at 10.15am. The magistrate said this situation was “intolerable” and ordered that the director of prisons, Police Superintendent Abraham Zammit, be notified and that he investigate the matter.

Magistrate Peralta said he also wanted to know what disciplinary proceedings were being taken.

He added that this was not the first time this had happened and it seemed to have become “the order of the day”. He said the officers’ behaviour was “irresponsible”.

It is not the first time that Supt Zammit has come under fire for a similar reason and last year he was rebuked by then Magistrate Silvio Meli.

In that sitting, Supt Zammit was called to testify about the situation and was told not to come up with excuses for a prisoner arriving late.

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