Fort St Angelo has always had a certain historical fascination for me. At 17, I joined the Royal Navy and for a while I proudly wore my service hat with HMS St Angelo emblazoned in gold on my cap tally. During this period, I could explore the fort at my leisure. So it was with great pleasure that I revisited the fort more than 50 years later to find it has been restored to such a high standard.
Well done to all those involved in the work to keep this architectural gem from turning to dust. However, I would like the same team of restorers to invest some time in giving some tender loving care to de Guiral’s battery.
In 1565, this five-gun battery hidden from the Turkish invaders certainly saved the day. Or, as Balbi put it, “...the battery of Commander Guiral was, in the judgement of all, the salvation of the island (Senglea)”.
This battery is rather small and restoration should not break the bank.