Q: I recently bought some books from an English online shop. Before I confirmed the purchase, I checked about shipping costs to Malta, which from the UK, using standard delivery, amounted to £3.50 (€4.07).

When I confirmed payment, I realised more money was taken from my account. I was charged £6.50 (€7.56) for standard delivery instead. The mistake was that they marked Malta as part of the ‘Rest of World’, rather than Europe, and this category had higher postage rates.

When I e-mailed the company and asked for an explanation, I was told my order had been placed with an independent bookseller and to contact this seller directly.

What are my rights in this situation?

A: First of all, you are entitled to a refund of the extra postage costs incurred. If you do not manage to get this refund from the online seller, you may file a complaint with the European Consumer Centre Malta.

Since the seller is in England, this is ­considered a cross-border complaint.

The European Consumer Centre Malta may be contacted via e-mail: ecc.malta@gov.mt or by calling 2122 1901.

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